LING 611   Spring 2013
Issues in Syntax

-Readings for 1/29-2/5: Lasnik TiCS "The Minimalist Program in Syntax"; B&L pp.1-17, 42-59; Freidin, R. and H. Lasnik. 2011, Some roots of Minimalism; 3 handouts: Condition A Reconstruction, Condition C Reconstruction, Government
-2/12: Chomsky "Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework" pp.89-112; Merge Over Move handout; summary of Barriers from Move Alpha; Idiom list (possibly relevant to Condition A handout)
-2/19: Uriagereka (1999) "Multiple Spell-Out"; Fox and Pesetsky (2003) "Cyclic Linearization", pp.1-5, 15-22; Hornstein, Lasnik and Uriagereka 2003 (2007) The dynamics of islands
HW 1 Due Monday 2/25
-2/26: Continue 2/19 stuff plus Lasnik (2009) Island repair, non-repair and the organization of the grammar. Special guest - Juan Uriagereka
-3/5: The Fox&Pesetsky, Lasnik, and Hornstein, Lasnik and Uriagereka stuff on islands. Also read the rest of "Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework" particularly with respect to feature checking.
-3/12: Continue 3/5 stuff.  Add Boeckx and Lasnik (2006) Intervention and repair. [Some optional readings: Lasnik (2001) "Derivation and representation in modern transformational syntax"; Lasnik (1999) "On the locality of movement: Formalist syntax position paper"]  
Supplementary readings: Ross's famous paper on sluicing; Fox and Lasnik 'Successive cyclic movement and island repair'
HW 2 Due Monday 3/26
Review paper assignment  Due April 9
-3/26: Some early minimalist analyses and concepts. Chomsky 1995, Ch. 2; Chomsky 1995 Ch. 3, pp. 195-199; Lasnik 1995 "Verbal Morphology: Syntactic Structures Meets the Minimalist Program" (or the excepts in B&L pp. 263-277); L&U pp. 61-79.
Here's a handout summarizing much of the material.
-4/2: In class, we will go over Chomsky's three distinct theories of strong features. I summarize and compare them in "On Feature Strength"; (Here's a HO abbreviating the paper.) We will also start talking about how Chomsky used AgrO to deal with nominal morphology (Case). Chomsky 1995 Ch. 2, 146-150; Lasnik "Lectures on Minalimalist Syntax" pp. 26-29.)
-4/9-16: Continue 4/2 stuff; Boskovic and Lasnik on feature strength and cyclicity
-4/23: Lasnik and Saito "On the Subject of Infinitives"; continue reading Ch. 3; HO on Equidistance
Squib+ proposal due Thursday April 25
HW 3 Due Monday 4/29
Squib+ due Monday May 13 [by e-mail]
-4/30: Continue 4/23 stuff.